Toddler Group
Our baby & toddler group is a great places for parents, carers and tiny tots to come along to play, read, get creative and sing together.
Puddles (0-5years)
Fridays (term time) 10am-11.45am
Thorpe Marriott Village Hall
£2.50 per carer & child (£1 for additional children over 1yrs).
Returning Friday 17 January 2020
Messy Church
Join us for breakfast followed by games, crafts, worship and stories from the Bible. The whole family is invited to join in. All children MUST be accompanied by an adult.
All ages
2nd Sunday of each month
Taverham Village Hall
Please note there is no Messy Church in August and December.
Life Groups
Life groups meet during the week in people's homes and are very relaxed and friendly. They provide a great opportunity to study the Bible, discuss and pray together over coffee and cake. The aim is to encourage, support and help each other to be all that we can be in God.
Mondays 7.45pm
Wednesdays 2pm and 8pm